Chlorhexidine reduces CAUTI!

Catheter-associated urinary tract infections (CAUTI) are one of the most common infections acquired in healthcare. A new RCT published in the Lancet Infectious Diseases shows that meatal antisepsis using 0.1% chlorhexidine prior to catheter insertion reduced the CAUTI rate by 94%. A number of different steps can be taken to reduce the risk of urinary catheter-associated UTI,…

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AJIC special issue on cleaning, disinfection, antisepsis and sterilisation

The American Journal of Infection Control has recently published a must-read special issue titled: ‘Disinfection, sterilization, and antisepsis: Principles, practices, current issues, new research, and new technologies.’ The special issue features a series of ‘State of the Science Reviews’ by experts in the field on cleaning and disinfection, skin antisepsis, the role of the environment in emerging…

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