Dispensers range

Dispensers Range


Dispensers Range

Keep wipes exactly where they’re needed most.

Our colour-coded dispenser range provides availability for our entire environmental decontamination range, which includes:

• Clinell Universal Wipes
• Clinell Peracetic Acid Wipes
• Clinell Detergent Wipes
• Clinell Spill Wipes Kit

While keeping wipes close at hand, our dispenser range also establishes good practice, encourages compliance, increases the frequency of disinfection, and helps you to store your wipes correctly.

Product Line
Product Product code Description
Clinell Universal Wipes Dispenser CWD
CWDL (lid)
For Clinell Universal Wipes 200 (CW200 and BCW200), and Clinell Universal Wipes 100 (CW100 and BCW100)
Clinell Peracetic Acid Wipes Dispenser CS25D For Clinell Peracetic Acid Wipes (CS25)
Clinell Detergent Wipes Dispenser CDWDW For Clinell Detergent Wipes (CDW215 and CDW300)
Clinell Spill Wipes Kit Dispenser CSWD For Clinell Spill Wipes Kit (CSW1)
Clinell Antimicrobial Hand Wipes Dispenser CAHWD For Clinell Antimicrobial Hand Wipes (CAHW100)


Contact us for more information

If you are interested in our dispensers range, please fill out the form and we will be in touch shortly.

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